Physiotherapy for internationals

If you are international student here in Groningen and are struggling with physical complaints you’ve made it to the right page

Welcome to Physiotherapy

Friendly Clinic Near You

Our caring student therapists are here to support international students with personalised care, right in your community

Experienced Dentist

Our dedicated team of student physiotherapists collaborates with experienced, licensed physiotherapists. You’ll benefit from the best of both worlds!

New Patient

If you are looking to register as a new patient, completely free of charge you can do so here

Need Assistance?


Committed To Physiotherapy Excellence

We Create Beautiful and Brighter Smiles

Complete Care on Your Schedule

Bringing Life to Your Smile

Experienced Physiotherapist

We closely collaborate with experienced, licensed physiotherapists in our clinic

Advance Treatment​

Our clinic boasts advanced treatment modalities and techniques

Guaranteed Results​

We stand by our commitment to your well-being

Modern Equipment

Our clinic is equipped with technology and modern tools


177 E Houston St
New York, NY 10002


+(888) 695-9859
+(888) 569-9859


Book Your Appointment